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This is what you make possible  

  1. Your signature will help demonstrate public support for the Global Ocean Treaty, placing pressure on the Australian Government to act fast.
  2. We’re busy taking action and getting decision-makers on board. You’ll receive updates - check your inbox!
  3. We’ll keep up the pressure. We’ve demonstrated global public support and demand for ocean protection, and are pushing to make sure 30% of the ocean is protected by 2030.
This work costs money - and we’re completely independent. 100% of our funds are from individuals like you. Can you chip in?

This work costs money - and we’re completely independent. 100% of our funds are from individuals like you. Can you chip in?

Yes. I can chip in!

Your tax deductible donation today will make a huge impact for our campaign.

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Share this campaign now to raise awareness and gain more support

After years of campaigning, the first ever Global Ocean Treaty was approved, but governments now need to sign it into law, to make protected areas a reality at sea.

Please share our petition calling on Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek and Foreign Minister Penny Wong to urgently create a sanctuary for the South Tasman Sea and Lord Howe Rise.